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Number of players: 2

Number of pieces: 17 counters, one of which is the Dux, for each player.

Object of the game: to eliminate as many of the opponent’s counters as possible.


Phase 1. Each player takes turn to place two counters on the board in any of the empty squares. Once both players have placed all 32 counters (16 each), each one then places the Dux.

Phase 2

- The players take turns to move the counters one square at a time in any direction, except diagonally, in order to try and capture his/her opponent’s counters and the Dux. To do so, he/she must block a counter horizontally or vertically between two of his/her own counters, which is known as “custody”. However, a counter may escape from the space between two adversaries without being captured.

- When captured, the counters are eliminated from the board.

- The player that captures a counter has an extra turn, and the counter that is moved can create the trap.

- The Dux can be moved like the other counters, but it can also jump over the opponent’s tokens into an empty square, blocking and capturing a counter.

NB: the Dux can capture tokens like this, but it doesn’t necessarily have to. The Dux can also be captured, just like the other counters, although this doesn’t mean that the game is over.

- The player that eliminates the highest number of his/her opponent’s counters is the winner.

The game ends when no more movements can be made. In this case, the winner is the player that has captured the highest number of counters. If no counters are captured in 30 turns, the player with the most counters is the WINNER.

- NB: Counters cannot be captured during phase one, only during phase 2. Captures are the result of moves, and these can only be made in phase 2.

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Revised rules Ludus Ludus