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Seega, is a game of strategy played on a board of 5 squares by 5 in two phases. During the first phase, the counters are positioned on the board, and during the second phase, the players try to capture all their opponent’s pieces. The first one to do so is the winner.

Number of players: 2

Number of pieces: 12 counters for each player.

Object: to eliminate the opponent’s counters.

Phase 1 rules (positioning)

Each player takes turns to place two counters on the board in empty spaces, except in the central square, which must be left empty during this first phase.

Phase 2 (moves)

- Each player can move a token horizontally or vertically to an adjacent square, including the one in the centre. The counters cannot be moved diagonally.

- A piece is captured and eliminated from the board when a player traps his/her opponent between two of his/her own counters.

- Players can make consecutive movements with the same token; the one that is moved consecutively is the one that captures the counters.

The token placed in the central square cannot be captured.

Players must capture counters:

- When a player cannot move any of his/her counters, the opponent must take an extra turn and create a space on the board.

- Each player can create a barrier by completing a row, so that only the remaining counters in his/her colour are behind it. When this happens, the player with the highest number of counters wins. Positioning the counters in Phase 1 is crucial when planning the barriers during phase 2.  

- When the barriers have been formed and the players have the same number of counters, the game is a draw, which is a common outcome in this game.

- The player who eliminates all his/her opponent’s counters wins a “great victory”, whilst the player who has more counters than his/her opponent when creating the barrier enjoys a “small victory”.

- In the event of a draw, the players should start another game.

NB: the last player to place a token in phase 1 is the first to play in phase 2.

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Revised rules Ludus Ludus