Arde Lucus 2004
The first edition of Arde Lucus was held in MMII. Associated with the summer solstice, the objective was clear: to reminisce on the founding of our city by recreating its Roman past. An event that includes cultural and leisure activities, but always remaining as true to history as possible. For three days each year, the historic walled quarter is transformed into Lucus Augusti, a thriving metropolis in the Roman Gallaecia, offering visitors a packed programme of activities set against the magnificent backdrop of the city walls, which come into their own during the festival.
Our city is undoubtedly a magnificent setting for a festival of this nature. Another crucial element is the enthusiasm and participant of the local residents, social agents, schools, associations and sports clubs…Dressed in Roman and Iron Age costumes, they throng the streets throughout the weekend, joining in the spirit of the festivities.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the local government and residents, as well as the involvement of social agents, sports clubs and private sponsors, and of course city associations that carry out accurate and detailed historical re-enactments, Arde Lvcvs has grown and evolved into a perfect mix of leisure and culture, attracting large numbers of visitors and media attention. As a result of this consolidated success, on its tenth anniversary (MMXI) it was declared a Festival of Galician Tourist Interest.