Our association recreates the mystical and religious ceremonies of Ancient Roma. Augurs, haruspices, sibyls and flamens…all inhabit the Temple of Ara Roma where the gods Jupiter, Juno, Apollo and Minerva are worshipped. The doors of our Temple open each year to welcome Arde Lucus and honour the gods, consult the oracles or offer prayers.
Asemblearias de Lucus Augusti is a women’s association for culture and historical re-enactments. It was founded in order to raise awareness of the role played by the most pioneering, powerful and influential women of Ancient Rome. From empresses who ruled de facto over a vast Empire to the early patricians who practised the law during the Roman Empire. We organise a wide range of events, from talks and lectures in various institutions, to plays and recreational activities for children. We are also committed to representing our city, Lucus Augusti, at all the historical re-enactments held in Galicia and throughout Spain. We would like to invite you to enter the Palatine (the House of Augustus) and meet the female members of the imperial family: Livia Drusilla, Octavia Minor and Alfidia. Although if you’re looking for some serious entertainment, don’t miss the chance to discover the scheming plans of the advocates Amesia Sentia , Gaia Afrania and the famous orator Hortensia, featured in “The Conspiracy of the Patricians”, which will be performed in the area close to the Palatine. What’s more, this year we will be celebrating the most popular festival among Roman women: ‘The Festival of the Bona Dea’, although you must be forewarned that part of the celebrations are open only to women (it’s not a whim: when it comes to re-enactments, it’s important to remain true to tradition and history).
The Caetra Lucensium association was founded in February 2010 and is dedicated to recreating scenes from life in the Roman Lucus Augusti. The association’s name comes from a coin known as the MONETA CASTRENSIS, which was supposedly produced in the Lucus Augusti mint during the Cantabrian Wars. Each year the production of the Caetra is re-enacted in our MINT during the Arde Lucus festival. Our objective is to recreate as accurately as possible all aspects of everyday family life in Roman times, including family, social and military aspects. The results of our year-long preparation can be seen in our camp, where visitors can enjoy our THERMOPOLIUM, smell the aromas of the CAUPONA, meet our brave gladiators at the LUDUS CAETRA, observe the scribes at work on their papyruses, discover a wealth of fascinating tales and find out how the Romans extinguished a fire…There’s nothing to fear, if you get hurt, we have a VALETUDINARIUM, where you can discover the kind of medicine practised by the Romans. Caetra plays an active role all year round in a host of re-enactment festivals throughout the Iberian Peninsula, acting as ambassadors for our city.
Civitas Lucensis is a not-for-profit association funded entirely by members’ subscriptions. It is made up of families from the city of Lugo and its objective is to teach local children about the history of our city. Thanks to Arde Lucus, they can relive life in the city for themselves, whilst also taking part in activities with their parents, an all-too infrequent occurrence in today’s society. As the name civitas implies, our aim is to create a city twinned between the Romans and the Celts, proving that both cultures can live side-by-side in complete harmony.
This is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the dissemination of the Pre-Roman culture of the ancient Gallaecia, as well as the promotion of the historical and cultural values of our province. The association recreates aspects of everyday life in order to generate the public’s interest in our history and origins. The Clan de Breogán association is made up principally of families that share a passion for the Gallaecia of the past. It is open to everyone interested in taking part in its activities.
Cohors III Lucensium is a not-for-profit cultural association that promotes tourism in the region that operates throughout Spain. It is made up of members from various towns and cities of all ages and professions who share a particular interest in antiquity, and in particular the presence of the Romans in our country. The principal objectives of our association are to study and disseminate knowledge of all aspects of life in the towns and villages in Lucus Augusti diocese during the antiquity.
A cultural association inspired by the Praetorian Guard, the unit of the Roman army responsible for protecting the emperor and Roman consuls. The association was founded in 2013, mainly to play an active role in Arde Lucus, as well as other celebrations and historical re-enactments from the days of the Romans.
Lucus Equites is a not-for-profit association founded in 2011 by a group of friends that share the same interests, mainly related to history. We are passionate about recreating history as accurately as possible in order to disseminate knowledge and thereby conserve this legacy for future generations.
Lugdunum is a cultural, sporting and residents’ association with a Celtic spirit. A spirit that we are passionate about, and aim to explore and extend, sharing our culture with everyone.
The aim of the Mercenarios Galaicos historical re-enactment association is to contribute to the knowledge of certain aspects of our ancestors’ history that are little known by the public today. The image of the Galicians is that of an isolated people, who, until the arrival of the Romans, had little contact with other Mediterranean cultures. However, this is far from the truth: the presence of courageous warriors from our land in the Carthaginian forces is a clear example of the tradition of trade between the Galicians and the Phoenicians. A further objective of this association stemmed from the need to open up Arde Lucus to extramural districts, in order to disseminate culture and history. In this sense, it organises a range of activities and workshops throughout the year, and also works with associations from the rest of the Iberian Peninsula in order to promote the beauty of our distinguished city.
Centuria, decuria, legio, scutum, castra, ballista, gladius, cingulum, pilum…are just a few of the Latin military terms used in reference to the Romans. Yet there are many more that were once frequently used but which today are little known (tabulae, impluvium, actuari, apoditerium, capsa, solea, pelius, caupona, thermopolium, bula, opus, miliarium, groma, dioptra, lucerna, mitra...). We consider that familiarising ourselves with terms such as these will provide us with an authentic insight into “Roman culture” and naturally help us to understand “the Romans” as a civilised people but that were also one of the greatest military forces of all times. As a Cultural Association for Historical Dissemination and Re-enactment (A.C.D.R.H. in its Spanish initials), it is this vision that we are most interested in. Our initially modest project, yet which aspires to growth, therefore intends to raise awareness of the tasks and customs that characterised and defined the citizens of this period. These include social customs, political structures, religious beliefs, building and engineering techniques, education, the monetary system, leisure, gastronomy, dress, personal care and health…without forgetting the armies that played such a crucial role. The objective of the “A.C.D.R.H. Pax Romana Lvcvs” is therefore to spread our knowledge of the period known as Pax Romana or Pax Augusta (27 BCE - 180 CE), an age of cultural and economic development and the cessation of hostilities, favouring fraternity and understanding between the peoples of the Empire, and which has inspired the name for this exciting project.
These are the initials of the SALESIANI LUCI AUGUSTI Association (Salesians of the Sacred Place of Augustus). Our reference is Don Bosco and our symbol Solomon’s knot. We are a large group that form part of the Educational Community of the Divina Pastora- Salesianos de Lugo School (pupils, alumni, families, teaching and non-teaching staff, etc.). The aim of our association is to work together as a family, exploring and reliving our origins in an enriching and entertaining manner.
For the MMXII edition of the Arde Lucus festival, Lugo City Council organised a theatrical recreation of a local senate, with performances at key moments during the programme of activities (opening of the macellum, the Roman circus, signing of the peace treaty, etc.). Early in MMXIII, the members of the Lucus Augusti Senatus formed an association in order to promote this particular event and the city of Lugo in general throughout the historical re-enactment of this historic local government body.
Terra Copora is a cultural and historical re-enactment association founded in 2008. Its members share an interest in the origins of our city and the thrilling historical and cultural context of that period.
Our principal aim is to reflect the communion between the Galician and Roman cultures, and their peaceful and symbiotic coexistence. We work to relive the splendour of the Iron Age and Roman cultures in the Copora region by recreating the day-to-day lives of the peoples that represent the origins of our city, culture and traditions. We have two groups: Copora, a traditional Galician family unit [located in the Conventus Lucensis between the cities of Lucus Augusti and Iria Flavia – (Padrón)] and a Roman unit representing the Cohors I Celtiberorum, an auxiliary cohort based in this administrative region, in A Ciadella (Sobrado dos Monxes) between the years 123 CE- 409 CE. We are the first association to have recreated a VALETUDINARIUM in Lucus Augusti.
Tir Na n’Og is a historical re-enactment association founded in Lugo in 2008 by a group of enthusiasts who play an active role in Arde Lucus. Our main objective is to recreate everyday life in an Iron Age village during the Roman occupation of Gallaecia. We have centred our activity on the Namarini, a tribe that inhabited the north coast of what is today the province of Lugo.
“Castro Vivo” or “A Living Fortified Settlement” is the format chosen by our association for the re-enactment. It is inspired by the European tradition of historical re-enactments: instead of isolated activities, it is based on offering a coherent picture of everyday life where various characters go about their daily business. The aim is to make the public feel that they are observing a typical scene from life at the time and to transmit historical knowledge in a more visual and dynamic manner.
Trebas Galaicas is an association founded in 2011 for historical re-enactments and the dissemination of cultural and historical heritage. It recreates the period immediately prior to the Roman conquest of Gallaecia, focusing particularly on re-enacting the lifestyle, culture, tools and warring traditions of the Galicians.
In 2014, Lugo City Council decided to create a new historical re-enactment group for Arde Lucus MMXIV, based on the vestal virgin priestesses. Following on from the enthusiastic reaction to the group and its performances, its members decided to form \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Vestal Lucus Augusti\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', a not-for-profit historical re-enactment association to contribute even further to the promotion of Arde Lucus. The principal objective of this Roman religious institution was to protect the sacred fire of Vesta (the goddess of the hearth and home) on which the prosperity and safety of Rome depended.
You will also be able to learn about the Mythological Figures of Lvcvs Avgvsti