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Arde Lvcvs 2024: from 13th to 16th june


Lara Méndez told the Arde Lvcvs associations the dates of the XXIII edition of the festival that will remember the origins of Lugo from June 13 to 16.

The Youth Councilor, Jorge Bustos, made the announcement during the IX fraternization dinner he held with the groups. The councilor thanked them again for “their work, effort and dedication, which were decisive in achieving this year's recognition as a Festival of International Tourist Interest.”

The XXIII edition of Arde Lvcvs will be held from June 13 to 16 next year. This is what the Councilor for Youth, Jorge Bustos, said to the nineteen associations that make this historical recreation party possible, during the course of the IX fraternization dinner held with the groups and in which he was accompanied by the Councilor for Economic Dynamization, Mauricio Repetto, and by Ana Abelleira, responsible for Social Cohesion.

Bustos once again thanked the Roman and Celtic associations that are part of the organization of Arde Lvcvs "for the work they do throughout the year, their effort and dedication to faithfully recreate our origins, making this celebration a unique event in Spain." The councilor recalled that "together with the City Council, this year we have achieved the long-awaited recognition of Festival of International Tourist Interest, so we want to pay them a well-deserved tribute by distinguishing them with the city's Gold Medals."

The delivery of this recognition, the highest distinction that the Lugo City Council grants to entities or citizens, will take place in an event that will take place on November 30, at the MIHL. The mayor of Lugo, Lara Méndez, proposed to the Municipal Corporation to award the Gold Medals of this 2023 to the 19 historical recreation associations of the city for their decisive contribution to the Arde Lvcvs being declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest.

For her part, the mayor highlighted the social, tourist and economic reach that these celebrations generate and explained that "one of the reasons why we brought forward the dates is to allow the associative fabric, the neighbors, as well as the hospitality industry and the locals commerce can prepare and work in advance, planning those days.

Likewise, he invited all the inhabitants of other cities and towns to enjoy with the people of Lugo the transformation that the municipality is experiencing, which, faithfully, "goes back in time to value the cultural and historical legacy that we possess."

What began in 2002 as a party to energize the hospitality sector of the historic center, and which only lasted one night, soon became a party of historical recreation, with an identity, heritage, cultural, recreational and economic dynamism component that make it absolutely unique. Thus, in 2003 its duration was extended to the entire weekend, beginning on Friday afternoon and ending on Sunday night. Currently the party starts on Thursday. In 2011 it was declared a festival of Tourist Interest in Galicia and in 2017 it was recognized as a festival of National Tourist Interest.

Once the minimum period of 5 years as a Festival of National Tourist Interest required to qualify for international recognition had been exceeded, the Lara Méndez executive began the procedures that concluded last March with obtaining the aforementioned distinction.

Precisely due to the degree of citizen involvement, Arde Lvcvs has been increasing its success with the City Council's determined commitment to recovering the city's Roman and fortified past, trying to keep it alive with a reliable but, above all, participatory and playful approach, exporting the most positive and cordial image of the municipality and the people of Lugo.

In total, there are 19 associations that are part of the organization of the festivities and bring together nearly a thousand members: Ara Roma; Asamblearias Lucus Augusti; Caetra Lucensium; Civitas Lucensis; Clan de Breogán; Cohors III Lucensium; Guardia Pretoriana; Kertix; Lucus Equites; Lucus Icenas Miliatore; Lugdunum; Mercenarios Galaicos; Pax Romana; Salesiani Luci Augusti; Senatus Lucus Augusti; Terra Copora; Tir Na n'Og; Trebas Galaicas y Vestales Lucus Augusti.